PLT  (Pastoral Leadership Training) in Nepal

Nepal is one of the poorest countries in the world. 20 million Nepalese living in absolute poverty by the year 2010. The average life expectancy is 57 years, and up to 65 percent of the population is illiterate. Nepal's per capita income is around $470 USD in 2009. Based on national calorie/GNP criteria, an estimated 31% of the population is below the poverty line. 

As Nepal is a developing country, here the people have low economic status. Most of the Nepalese are farmer and they depend on their agriculture. Nepal is also a landlocked country. High hills and mountains cover most of the area in Nepal. All the farmers are from the same place. They do hard work whole year to survive. 

God has his provision for Nepal. He called his disciples from such areas. Because of the poverty people do not go to school. Now at least people have send their children to school but in past did not. Therefore, most of the Christians, church leaders and pastors have also academically not qualified in Nepal except in city area. 

Thus, PLT works in such situation in Nepal. Most of them have not get chance to get formal education either in secular or biblical. They also do not get chance to get formal biblical collage and education. So PLT gives such opportunity to them to get deep biblical knowledge as well as competency in the bible. They attend PLT classes for 10 days in every 3 months' interval for 3 years. After every session they go back to their local churches with action plan and they implement their learning. This will help them to follow the multiplication method of Jesus. Again when they meet again in next session, they share their experience and their best practices. 

Personally I am very much thankful to our savior Lord for the PLT- Pastoral Leadership Training in Nepal for second time. Group one ended in Hetauda and the group two started in Kavre, Panauti Since February 2016. 

The participants are from all over Nepal. Most of the participants are from mid part (Sindhuli, Sarlahi, Chitwan and Kavre) of Nepal and some from west and mid-west (Surkhet and Nawalparasi). All together 65 participants are attending PLT. They are Pastors, Elders, Deacons and Key leaders of the churches. 

In the last session all participants were so excited to learn more from Bible. They had started with sharing their experiences and blessings they get after completions of 1st session. In this session main theme was " SERVANT LEADERSHIP". Session 1 was lecturer method while session 2 was interactive, practical & Lecturer method. 

All the glory and honors to our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.



All the participants Satellite church Leaders Pastor, Elder & Deacon Cell group and asst. to key leaders