Visit to Nepal, February 2016
by Hans Sundberg
Instead Hosanna has chosen to focus on the students who have attended Bible College and gather them from autumn 2015 to eight different regional meetings for intensified bible training, We will miss this cooperation, but we realize that Raju and Hosanna have to choose a path in a very intense revival work with many open doors.
PLT has chosen to continue working but with new participants and with ”neo-old” partners! We have asked Saritha and Mankaji Tamang, with whom we have had a very good cooperation before, to lead the project in Nepal.

In February 2016 Hans Lindholm and I to Dhulikhel, about 30 kilometers east of Kathmandu where the new training has started.
We have of course also invited the pastors/church leaders who attended in Hetauda but are not part of the Hosanna church movement. Some have shown interest in attending to finish their bible studies. Sadly, none of these came to take part in this course, but our invitation still stands. 58 pastors and leaders who attended the course and most of them are leaders in their churches. They come from different places in Nepal, such as: Sirlai, Gorkha, Surkhet, the Katmandu area and from close by. These pastors I am happy to say, are in charge of several church plantings from various Christian groups.

Our teaching this time was concentrated on the writings of John in the New Testament. That is, first of all the gospel according to John and the Book of Revelation. We also mentioned John´s letters, but we have to concentrate more on them in the tine ahead to give them proper attention.
As a preparation all participants were invited to read John´s gospel and the Book of Revelation three times on their own, keeping pen and paper ready, so comments and questions could be taken along to all participants.
We started on Sunday afternoon with introduction, dinner and a thorough presentation of each participant. We were very pleased to note that one third of them were women.
Unfortunately it was very cold at night but we were very well prepared and had bought extra warm sleeping bags. From then on each day with a cup of hot tea and something to eat. Monday – Friday Hans and I taught. It has been especially important to dwell on how John described Jesus. He is "the Word", "the Lamb of God", "the Way, the Truth and the Life", etc, etc. The lectures were interspersed with questions and talks.

Every day we also had two hours of group reflections and personal intercession. Here we tried to find a concept, through which knowledge can easily be passed on through studies, dialogue and prayer. Quite simply each group of students works with a section of the text, They read it, ask at least two questions from the text ”what did the text tell those who first heard it?” and ”what does this same text tell us today”. We also had supplementary questions for each group to work with. For instance, the participants were asked which church described in Revelations 2-3, is a description of the Christian church in Nepal today.
Women and men work very well together, seeking deeper knowledge and understanding. This simple concept works very well, for our course and for the continued work.
We will hold these course about every four months for a few years until the whole Bible has been worked through as well as the leadership courses and the pedagogics.
Hans Sundberg