Self studies are of course also part of the course. A survey of the Bible in Norwegian will be studied during the first session.
25 leaders from the different Pioneer churches on Vestlandet came to the first session. Hans Sundberg ( main teacher) and pastors fro the the Pioneer church will be teaching. Pastor Gunnar Breistein from the Pioneer church in Haugesund also took part in both sessions.
Session 1 focused on a survey of the New Testament, the history and the decision of the Apostolic meeting. We had group talks to look at the questions more deeply cocerning what the NT means to us today in our house groups and churches.
At session 2 we went through the gospel according to John. Survey and focus on the most important themes for John:
The text book was N T wright´s Commentary on John
Soon sessions 3 (5-6 of December will take place, whwn we will work with the letter to the Romans. Before we meet we will all read John Stott´s Commentary to deepen our understanding.
It is important to have group reflections after all lectures and then all participants share their perspectives and questions. Friday evening is of course always concluded worship and praise, prayer and intercession.We don´t build on head knowledge only, but just as much on getting to know life in God´s Spirit together.
Hans Sundberg